
Realising a New Economy

We believe that the way our economy operates causes many of the problems that we face in society, but it does not have to be this way. We have a vision for a better economy that will serve society and planet instead of extracting from it.


Since we were established we have focused on money, the economy and how they link to society. We believe we need to take a systems change approach to the economy, challenging the structures, power dynamics and beliefs that keep it operating as it currently does.


What do we mean by systems change?

For us systems change means getting to the heart of why an issue arose in the first place, and working out how to change these ‘roots’ of a problem. It means looking upstream at what truly causes an issue, and seeking to intervene to improve the structures, systems or policies that have created this situation. If successful this would look like lasting changes to how things are done, fundamentally shifting attitudes, behaviours and norms so that new ways of operating become ingrained.

Our funding priorities

We offer grant funding to support projects and organisations who are trying to shape a new, fairer economy.


The challenges are vast. The financial system dominates our economy and serves itself, whilst climate breakdown and inequality are getting worse. The UK is not short of ideas on how to change this: we have a wealth of evidence, intelligence and ideas about how to start improving things.


But there are blocks to these ideas taking root. Our current grants programme is designed to explore some of these.


Our Funding Strands 2024-2027

1. Shifting cultural perceptions - closed for applications


Exploring how we understand and think about the economy and how we might imagine ways to change it


We believe that the way we collectively think and talk about the economy is a barrier to our ability to see how it could be changed. It is often referred to as an independent system or likened to a force of nature, and talked about as if economics were a science that only a few highly educated individuals can truly understand. This makes us feel as though it is too big and too complicated to substantially change, all we can do is tinker with parts of it.


We want to explore a central question ‘how we can begin to shift perceptions and beliefs about the economy, about what it is and what it could be?’ The aim is to focus on how we can promote the idea that economic change is possible.


For this strand of funding we are inviting others to learn and discover with us.


This will be a one-off open call for up to 6 organisations who want to work with us over three years. At the end of the three years we hope to have generated shared learning and experiences that can further push our thinking on how to set the scene for meaningful economic systems change.


  • Each organisation recruited will receive funding of £50,000 per year for three years (£150,000 in total)
  • Participants can either come to us with existing work they do that is relevant to this question, or propose new activities that could help us explore this question
  • In addition to delivering individual projects/activities organisations will be compensated for participating in a series of facilitated programme learning days where they will share learning and hear from external experts.


You can learn more about our thinking on this by reading our discussion piece.


2. Transforming financial systems - opening January 2025


Examining the way the financial system operates at the heart of our economy, how the ‘wiring’ for our economy is hidden and needs transforming.


The financial system should exist to allocate available resources to meet economic and social needs but in reality it has begun to serve itself and become more removed from the  real economy. 


Whilst some positive shifts were made within this system in response to the financial crisis of 2008, recently we are seeing a rolling back of some of that progress, meaning that work to push for a fairer and more sustainable system is having to run fast just to stay still. Through this programme of work we are seeking to reverse this and explore barriers and blockages to the creation of a fair and sustainable financial system within the system itself, such as regulations, policy ideas, power dynamics and cultures.


3. New economy infrastructure – opening May 2025


Supporting organisations that are central to our mission of economic systems change to create a stronger, responsive sector able to challenge those embedded norms.


We consider the ecosystem of organisations that are predominantly working on economic systems change to still be nascent with a stretched capacity. If these organisations are to develop further and hold their own as respected institutions who can challenge on economic systems change, then they need reliable support.  As one of only a few funders dedicated to this issue we recognise the need to retain our commitment to working with organisations on a long-term basis and, where possible, pulling in additional resources to support them. 

If you are interested in our funding please get in contact to find out more.

Please use our Say Hello function to get in touch.

FAQs: Shifting Cultural Perceptions strand

Can I apply for more than £50k per year.


This funding strand will offer up to £150k per participating organisation over 3 years. You could chose to claim more than £50k in any one year, but the total you can claim over the 3 years cannot be more than £150k so you would then need to reduce the amounts requested over the rest of the time period.


Can I apply for this strand of funding and still apply for future funding strands with you?


Yes you can. Whilst we usually apply a one grant per organisation limit, this will not apply for this strand of funding.


Do I need to commit to the programme days and shared learning when I apply?


Yes you do. We expect participating organisations to attend and contribute to the programme days and take active ownership of the programme learning as the purpose of this funding strand is to take a collaborative approach to learning more about this topic. There may be odd days that you are unable to attend but we would expect you to attend the majority.


Can partnerships or collaborations apply?


We are happy to receive applications from more than one organisation/individual working together, but we will view this as one application and therefore the funding available will need to be spread across the partnership as the applicants feel is appropriate. We will not offer additional funding for those working in this way beyond the £150k over 3 years.

Can I apply to work across this programme with a capacity building approach?


We are open to applications that feel they have a skillset that would be beneficial to other applicants working on these issues. However do please bear in mind that we are looking for a balanced portfolio of applications approaching our central question, we are unlikely to make this a major feature of the programme. If you are more interested in this approach than the programme itself do get in touch with us.


What to expect from us

We aim to provide a fair and transparent application process. We are open to discussions before you apply and always offer feedback. Our team work in partnership with successful grant holders to provide funding in a tailored way to each partner organisation and support full cost recovery principles.

Grants criteria

Find out whether your project, fund or organisation is eligible for one of our grants.

Projects we’ve funded

We have provided funding for a number of innovative ideas and practical projects, all of which work towards shaping a future economy that works for all.

Meet the grants team

Abigail Gibson


Head of Funding Strategy

Learn more

Jo Wilce


Grants and learning manager

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