Building a 4D Economy

What do we mean by the 4D economy

Democratising the economy
Power in our economy is largely in the hands of a few institutions and large corporations, with little opportunity for those outside of this bubble to have their say.
A fair economy would offer a range of ways for people to have a say in economic decision-making. This could be by upending the current power structures or by creating channels to involve the everyday person. By creating these opportunities we can foster a sense of ownership and accountability for all.
Decarbonising the economy
We need to decarbonise our entire economy, and quickly. Siloed activities from individuals and businesses won’t turn back the tide. There needs to be a strong impetus to remove fossil fuels from investment portfolios.
Governments need to incentivise and support the changes and we need to find other ways to power our energy and transport systems in particular. Crucially, all of these changes need to happen in a way that doesn’t disadvantage the communities that are currently being marginalised by our economic and social systems.
Decentralising the economy
We need to break up the concentrations of economic power in our country. The flow of wealth and opportunity currently flows away from local communities, to a few geographical locations. We need to build wealth across the UK and retain that value locally.
Diversifying the economy
We want the decision-makers in our economic systems to have a diversity of thought and experience that fairly reflects our society. We believe this is how we will create an economy that is better and fairer.
Voices that have been sidelined in our economic system need to be given the opportunity to contribute to the economic system they have long been subject to.