What We Do
Find out about our current activities and our vision for a more just economic system.

Building a 4D economy
Our economic system was built for a world that no longer exists. To address the climate emergency, the cost of living crisis and massive inequalities, drastic change is needed. This is our vision for a Diversified, Decarbonised, Democratised and Decentralised Economy.

Our activities
Our 2022-25 strategy has three key focus areas. In the coming years, we intend to:
- Foster a strong and diverse movement for new economic thinking and acting in the UK. Our activities will challenge the dominant ‘neo-liberal’ model which champions free markets, competition and de-regulation, but neglects our social and environmental needs.
- Support a fair transition to a decarbonised, democratised, diversified/decolonised and decentralised (4D) economy.
- Transform financial systems. Our activities will effect change within capital markets, financial system policy and regulation.
What you can do
Below are some of the ways you can support our mission. Whether you’re seeking funding, co-investment, or want to become one of our supporters, your involvement is valued and needed. Join the movement for a new economic system today.
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