The calibre of applicants for this year’s award was exceptionally high, resulting in trustees of the Foundation awarding two fellowships for 2018 with a further award for a fellowship to be taken up in 2019. Joanna Elson, trustee and vice chair of the Friends Provident Foundation chaired the judging panel, made up of Foundation staff and their advisors.

Journalist fellowship line-up announced
Date: 08/10/2018

Three writers are set to take up fellowship awards over the next 18 months – Martin Sandbu, Deborah Hargreaves and Aditya Chakrabortty – following announcement of the result of the Journalist Fellowship 2018-19.
We are delighted to announce this impressive fellowship line-up and offer our congratulations to Martin, Deborah and Aditya. We hope that through the support the Foundation can offer we can help them take their work forward and that together we can lay tracks for new-found thinking on how the economy can work better for people and planet.
Joanna Elson, trustee and vice chair of Friends Provident Foundation
Martin Sandbu, economics writer of Free Lunch at the Financial Times and author of Europe’s Orphan: The Future of the Euro and the Politics of Debt takes up his award now, as does Deborah Hargreaves, author of Are Chief Executives Overpaid and former Guardian business editor and FT news editor, whilst Aditya Chakrabortty, senior economics commentator at The Guardian will take up his fellowship in 2019.
This year’s fellowship was open to established UK journalists, writers, documentary makers and digital media professionals. Outline proposals were invited to address one or more themes or questions of relevance to the Foundation’s programmeme, to produce a body of work that communicates alternative, economically coherent ideas in an engaging way.
Martin Sandbu will explore the case that we need a new “economics of belonging”; Deborah Hargreaves will focus on the feminine corporation – “re-imagining corporate governance from a female point of view”, whilst Aditya Chakrabortty will explore Britain’s economic model through the changes he has seen in the place he grew up.
The Journalist Fellowship cements the Foundation’s commitment to support and widely communicate new ideas about how we can build a fair and more resilient economy to drive a better world. Ongoing support will be provided to holders of the fellowships throughout their tenure and the Foundation will work with the successful applicants to disseminate their final work to a wide audience.