Small Grants Programme

Please note that our small grants programme is currently closed for applications. 

We are interested in:

  • General support for new or emerging organisations or collaboratives with a focus on creating aspects of a 4D economy
  • Specific project funding to test new ideas or develop new approaches which could contribute to the development of features of a 4D economy
  • Centering and bringing forward voices currently marginalised within the economy and economic change.

How to apply

Review our guidance, complete the application form and submit it via our website. We will ask you to upload a budget – you can use your own or if helpful you can use our Small Grants Application Budget Template.


Our staff will review your assessment and come back to you with any questions it may have raised for us.


This is a rolling programme – you can apply at any time and we will make a decision within 6 -8 weeks of your application.


Please note that you will always hear from us -whether you are successful or not and you will be provided with feedback on your application, so do get in touch with us if for some reason you have not heard back from us after this timescale.


The grants team makes the decision on the small grants programme.