How to Apply

Application deadline

Monday 21st October 12 noon


We are currently open for applications to our Shifting Cultural Perceptions funding strand. Find out more on this page about how to apply.


This is a one-time only application process. recruiting organisations to work alongside us for the next 3 years. It is an action learning strand of funding – designed to explore the question “how can we can begin to shift perceptions, cultural assumptions and beliefs about the economy – what it is and what it could be?” Organisations funded through this strand will work collaboratively to share ideas, experiences and learning.


The strand will fund work to begin in early 2025. It will not be open to applications after the 21st October 2024.

Decision timeline

  • Application window opens – 2nd September
  • Application deadline – 21st October
  • Initial sifting and clarification questions by – Nov 22nd.
  • Expert advisory assessment panel – late November/early December
  • Final decisions made and communicated- 20th December
  • Strand activities live – Jan 2025-Dec 2027

Ready to apply?

Application guidance documents

Please make sure you read the guidance documents before applying as this tells you more about what we are looking for in a partner for this work.


Make sure to read the guidance documents and check our eligibility criteria before applying.


If you are interested in our funding please get in contact to find out more. Please use our Say Hello function to get in touch.

Discussion Piece

Our Discussion Piece provides a more detailed explanation of our thinking about this strand of funding.

Guidance Document

Our Guidance Document outlines what we are looking for in an application.

Living Wage

We are a Living Wage funder and expect that everything we fund will pay its staff a fair living wage. You can find out more by reading this statement.

Programme Overview

Our Programme Overview Document outlines what we seek in potential collaborators.

Application Form

The Application Form (Word format) can be used as a reference to apply.

Sample Budget Spreadsheet

The Sample Budget Spreadsheet (xlsx format) can be used to structure your application budget. You can also use your own budget structure.