Grantholder community

Setting up your grant

When your grant is awarded you will be assigned a key contact from our grants team, who will support your project.


We will set up a project inception meeting, and give you an information pack, detailing everything you need to know about working with us. This includes:



Our How to accept your grant document will help you ensure you have provided everything we need.

How to claim your funds

At the start of your grant you will agree a payment schedule with your grant manager. This will tell us when you intend to claim your grant funding from us and by how much. We understand that this is likely to vary and ask that you revise these schedules if the nature of your spend – in time or value – varies significantly.


Please note that the monthly invoice submission deadline is the 20th of the month (e.g. if you are seeking payment by the end of March your invoice will need to reach us by 20 March at the latest)

For grants awarded before September 2022.


Please be aware that payments are made in arrears, advance payments will only be made in exceptional circumstances.


When you are ready to make a claim please send your invoice to [email protected]  copying in your grant manager. Your invoice should be clearly marked with your bank details, your organisation name and the project title, which should match the title you gave us when you applied


You must also send us a back-up sheet outlining what you spent and how this compares to your original budget. Any variance from budget of over 15% should be explained. You can find guidance on how to do this in the Information for Grantholders booklet given to you at the start of your grant.

For grants awarded after September 2022.


When you are ready to make a claim please send an invoice to [email protected]. Your invoice should be clearly marked with your bank details, your organisation name and project title.


Payments will be made quarterly in advance. At the end of each quarter we will ask you to reconcile your spend before you submit another payment request


You will be asked to complete a report at the end of each year, outlining how your project has performed against the objectives you outlined at the start. You will also be asked to submit a report at the end of your project.

Using our logo

If you are a Friends Provident Foundation grantholder or partner, this page will help you decide upon the right Foundation logo to use for your needs, be it online, in print or in other materials.


As set out in the Information for Grantholders Booklet we expect grantholders to acknowledge our support at all appropriate times. This may be through use of appropriate wording, in which case it is important that you use the Foundation’s name in full (i.e. its legal name, the Friends Provident Charitable Foundation, or its working name, the Friends Provident Foundation) in any publicity.


Alternatively you may use our logo, subject to following the guidance set out here. You will need to decide which logo format to use, depending on where you use it.

The variety of logo formats available and how to use them



Places to use a PNG include:


  • logo to link to the Foundation in your website
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • digital documents
  • email signatures



Full colour version

Full colour negative version

Single colour version

Single colour version negative



TIF files are primarily for print pruposes, common places include:


  • posters
  • t-shirts, mugs and other promotional items
  • stationery
  • Any printed material



Full colour version



EPS files are for use with professional graphic design software. Your designer may request this format for:


  • printed publications made by a designer
  • exhibition materials like banners and tablecloths



Full colour version

Full colour negative version

Single colour version

Single colour version negative


Using our logo


The following two pages offer guidance with positioning and sizing of the logo