Get Involved
Real change happens when people connect to share what they’re learning and doing. On this page you’ll find information on our events and our network.

Collaborations, campaigns and projects
We collaborate, campaign and develop projects with our partners in different ways. Our flexible approach to collaboration has two main components: campaigning on issues that are linked to our mission, and projects which implement the changes we believe will create a fairer economy.
Who we work with
Foundation Practice Rating
The Foundation Practice Rating is an intervention created and hosted by the Foundation and supported by a range of UK funders. It assesses the Diversity, Accountability and Transparency practice based on publicly available information. See the website for full details.
Fair By Design
Fair By Design is a cross-funder coalition, campaigning against the ‘poverty premium,’ and the extra costs involved with being poor, such as being stuck on pre-payment energy metres. Poverty premiums are unjust and keep people stuck in poverty. FPF supports Fair By Design financially and practically.
Living Wage
FPF aims to uphold our commitment to a Living Wage as both an Employer and Funder. We extend our dedication to fair pay to the organisations we support. An equitable economic future needs to account for individual pay cheques as much as topline policies.
The Charities Responsible Investment Network
The Charities Responsible Investment Network brings together charities with investments to further their missions. In the last few years, the network has engaged with investee companies, investment managers and policymakers on a broad range of environmental, social and governance issues, including the Living Wage, workers’ rights in supply chains, executive pay, corporate lobbying and investment managers’ voting records.
Shareholders for Change
The Shareholders for Change network is a group of institutional investors who use their influence to make sustainable development a core component of their work with corporations.
Church Investors Group
The Church Investors Group represents institutional investors from Christian and Church-related groups. They aim to make businesses more responsible, by engaging with major companies and encouraging them to divulge information related to their ethics and approach to investment. The CIG has 65 members, predominantly drawn from the UK and Ireland, with combined investment assets of over £25bn.
What you can do
Below are some of the ways you can support our mission. Whether you’re seeking funding, co-investment, or want to become one of our supporters, your involvement is valued and needed. Join the movement for a new economic system today.
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