For grants awarded before September 2022.
Please be aware that payments are made in arrears, advance payments will only be made in exceptional circumstances.
When you are ready to make a claim please send your invoice to [email protected] copying in your grant manager. Your invoice should be clearly marked with your bank details, your organisation name and the project title, which should match the title you gave us when you applied
You must also send us a back-up sheet outlining what you spent and how this compares to your original budget. Any variance from budget of over 15% should be explained. You can find guidance on how to do this in the Information for Grantholders booklet given to you at the start of your grant.
For grants awarded after September 2022.
When you are ready to make a claim please send an invoice to [email protected]. Your invoice should be clearly marked with your bank details, your organisation name and project title.
Payments will be made quarterly in advance. At the end of each quarter we will ask you to reconcile your spend before you submit another payment request